Pro-Life - Smaller Government - Lower Taxes - Personal Responsibility

  Reorganization information.

Every two years, each county Republican Party holds officer elections. In order to be eligible to vote for these officers, you must have voted in three out of the last four statewide Republican primaries. Preregistering allows staff to confirm your eligibility ahead of time, letting you skip the long lines and giving you the chance to obtain and submit supporting documents should they be necessary.

Please pre-register now at this link.

Date: Saturday, February 22nd

Location: Gallatin High School


      •     Doors Open: 8:00 AM

      •     Registration and Doors Close: 9:00 AM

⚠️ Important Information:

  • To participate in the party reorganization: You must have voted in 3 of the last 4 state primaries.
  • For anyone interested in running for Chairman: According to the TNGOP bylaws, you must notify the Chairman of the Convention, John Isbell, 7 days before the reorganization. mailto:
  • If you have recently moved from out of state, you must bring your official voting record.
  • Online Registration: Please register in advance by clicking the link below. When registering online, make sure to use your full name as it appears on your voter registration card.
  • For any questions, please contact the Convention Chairman, John Isbell at


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The Republican Party of Sumner County holds these core values and seeks to apply them in everything we do.

We proclaim:

That we are one nation under God; that He has created everyone equal and endowed us with the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that the outcome of such pursuit is not guaranteed but determined by the efforts and ability of each individual.

That life is a gift from God and is to be valued and protected for all, including the unborn.

That traditional marriage between one man and one woman forms the foundation of the nuclear family and is necessary for the growth and stability of our society.

That we are free individuals who are governed as a republic, by elected officials, understanding that their primary responsibility is to preserve and protect the God given rights of individuals.

That we have the right to keep and bear arms to protect ourselves, loved ones, and personal property and these rights shall not be infringed upon.

That the federal government should maintain and employ a strong national defense of our freedoms against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and that at all times negotiate from a position of strength, not weakness.

That the federal government should secure our borders in order to keep Americans protected against any illegal entry into the country or any ideology which would openly defy the Constitution of the United States of America.

That Tennessee is a sovereign state and that all powers not specifically granted to the Federal Government by the founding fathers in the Constitution are reserved to the state, or to the People.

That our federal, state and local government should exercise purposeful restraint and responsibility in taxing its citizens, spending its citizens' money, and regulating its citizens' free pursuit of capitalism.

That the Constitution of the United States of America, when read and applied with the original intent of the founding fathers, provides the structure for our free republic and the basis for these affirmations.

That it is the responsibility of the party, both members and officers alike, to hold accountable those we put in office, in order that they execute their duties on behalf of the people they represent and no other. It is further the responsibility of the party, members and officers alike, to work diligently to remove from office those who do not.

We, the members of the Republican Party of Sumner County Executive Committee, commit ourselves to uphold these core beliefs, and to use them as a guide in all that we set out to do and accomplish for the RPSC.

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